浅浅地试验一下 ChatGPT 在论文润色方面的应用。




Silver-containing drugs have been used for thousands of years and have been applied in traditional medicine of many ethnic groups around the world. However, the research on silver-containing traditional medicine is relatively weak, especially the lack of discovery of Chinese medical literature. We introduce the application of silver-containing drugs in traditional medicine of various ethnic groups and summarize the latest research progress of silver-containing traditional drugs, hoping to provide a reference for promoting the development of traditional medicine, including Chinese medicine, by discussing the historical significance and modern application value of silver-containing drugs in the field of traditional medicine.


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Silver-containing drugs … in the field of traditional medicine.


For millennia, silver-based pharmaceuticals have played a prominent role in the traditional medicinal practices of diverse cultural groups globally. Despite this widespread usage, the study of such silver-based traditional remedies has been limited, particularly with regards to their absence in Chinese medical literature. This paper endeavors to compile and summarize the application of silver-containing drugs in traditional medicine among various ethnic groups, with the aim of providing a valuable reference for advancing the growth and development of traditional medicine, including Chinese medicine. Through exploring the historical significance and contemporary value of silver-containing drugs within the realm of traditional medicine, this paper aims to contribute to the advancement of this field.
